Harry Stott

Portfolio Website

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When viewed through playful eyes, a normal desktop computer becomes a game called 'Arjybeasts', a one-of-a-kind Turn-Based RPG where creativity meets strategy.

Image files on your computer refuse to be deleted! Yet, you must find a way to fight them with your image (or Arjybeast) to un-clog the computer.

This started as a solo passion project which I created for a university project, and soon became something a bit more ambitious. Now, still a passion project with a small team of 3, the game is being developed in full.

Key Contributions

File System

I'm responsible for the design, and programming of the in-depth file system of the game. This is in a sense, the "Level Design" of the game. Players navigate through file windows, deleting files to gain storage. Due to the linear nature of the game, files are placed carefully to ensure a balance in difficulty and rewards.

Text Files

It's my job to write the many text files throughout the game, these act as dialogue to break up time between battles. They are used both to tell a complex underlying narrative, and to surprise and make the player laugh. Each text file acts as if you are talking to them like a character, which I felt added more life to the game rather than reading a wall of text.

Enemy Design

Throughout the single-player mode of the game, players must delete image files, which in turn begin battles. It's my task to draw new enemies and give them assigned moves etc. I try my best to make certain enemies have unique abilities which change the game completely so that players are constantly encountering new things as they play, even perhaps many many hours in.

Everything Else

I'm the Lead Designer, and I hold the vision. Many things in this game originated as visions in my brain. I decide the game's structure, and the overall experience. I couldn't do it alone though, I work with my two talented team members who help me realise these ideas, and often, shut me down when needed.



Key Skills