Harry Stott

Portfolio Website

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Banana For Scale



'Banana For Scale' is a mobile game, where all the objects in the world are the wrong size, and the only thing left correct is a banana. The player must scale a wide range of objects to fix their size using only a banana for scale.

This was one of my first larger-scale projects, it was officially published to the Google Play store under 'Slimey Hatch Studios', and we even attempted to do our own marketing for it to spread the word. There were only 2 of us and one composer, but we really achieved something.

Key Contributions

Sizing Accuracy

As part of development, I was responsible for ensuring that objects had the correct 'real size'. Due to the use of an asset pack, we discovered that all the objects within the pack were already to scale. However, this meant all the objects were different sizes at scale 1 in Unity, so we needed a way to find the real size. Which I discovered you could do using the bounds of the meshes. Which we then used for various things such as the positioning of the banana next to our scaled objects.

O' Peels Shop'

I was also responsible for the management and balancing of the O'Peels shop, a place where the player could buy new skins for their banana, new maps, and new modes. I had to design the UI in a way that it would work on all Android devices, and we also had to work around figuring out how to get 3D objects onto the UI in Unity, which was feasible with extra cameras. I also had to try and balance the earning of peels, I mostly tried to take the approach of a positive feedback loop, where new items increased your 'peel rating' which in turn makes it easier to afford more new items.


For a mobile game such as this with such a broad target audience, it was important that we had a really clear and, what we described as a 'hand holding' tutorial. I created my own dialogue system which checks for symbols such as # in order to run functions. This was mostly a section where 'Dr, O'Peel would give the player various instructions and they wouldn't be allowed to proceed until they had completed them.

Skins, Maps & More

In between all this, we had plenty of 'fun' tasks, like adding new objects to scale, new skins to unlock, and new maps. Objects were what we needed most, and we ended up coining the term 'object shifts' for adding them, just because it was so much work to add them and we needed so many so that the game would keep fresh.

Key Skills