'Whatever Continuum' is a reality-bending 2D sandbox platformer. Each platforming challenge may have a vast number of solutions, and the player must use characters and objects from other worlds to solve challenges.
Although this was a project made entirely by myself, the practices, workflows, and software were in keeping with professional, collaborative environments.
This is project is a vertical slice demo for now, but I would love to continue it in the future.
For all level design, I attempted to take an open-ended, emergent approach. I worked iteratively and made constant changes based on personal testing and most importantly, playtesting. I also took approaches such as adding multiple exits to the level and then using AB testing to find out which exit was most commonly found.
When designing the gameplay for Whatever Continuum, I wanted players to be curious and try different things. I made an effort to make every object, from chickens to crates even the abilities of the player, all having the ability to change and have different gameplay effects in different worlds.
I demonstrated both technical abilities, and design knowledge to perfect in-depth platforming mechanics. I exercised past muscles of Maths and Physics, while still keeping a focus on the experience of play. For many mechanics, Physics had to be rewritten, and I had to work out what felt right through playtesting, and other's opinions.
I created each character in the game to differ highly in its visuals, highlighting to the player how the game changes and possibly encouraging them to view the same level differently for different characters. I also practised colour theory, making objects of importance such as the player, and 'Rupture Zones' visually more striking.